Women’s clinic at Kampong Chnnang and Svay Pak, Cambodia

“Women in developing nations lack basic healthcare and face life-debilitating and life-threatening health issues. Some of these health issues have never existed in the West, and others science eradicated decades ago. Maternal mortality, female genital cutting, child marriage, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS, and cervical cancer are a few of the issues that plague developing nations.” (Introduction to Global Women’s Health)

Basic healthcare does not exist for the ethnic Vietnamese living in the floating villages in Cambodia. There is no pre-natal care, no maternal care, no immunization, and no preventative care. As non-citizens, they cannot utilize public health services. Their only access to medical care is through private physicians but the villagers usually cannot afford the medical bills. Medical crisis is the number one reason why some of these families enter debt that they can’t repay and the daughters then are “taken” or “sold” into prostitution. We hope build a medical clinic, hire doctors, and provide medicine for these patients so that families do not enter debts. We know that women’s health is so crucial to family’s wellness so our clinic will focus on their health needs, including prevention and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy prevention, and maternal care, when medically appropriate and necessary.