International Humane Missions


We are working on helping the impoverished community living on the waters of “The Floating Village” on the Ton Le Sap Lake. Most of whom are stateless Vietnamese.  We hope that with your help, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

To learn more about our work & how you can help, please see our “How You Can Help Page.

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Thank you again for your interest in IHM. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

IHM Team

Your donation to this fund supports the community by providing clean drinking water, nutritional supplements, education, staff, medical care, and disaster relief. The needs are extensive, including enrolling more children in school, expanding classes, and dealing with natural disasters such as the catastrophic monsoon season in 2022. Your contribution will make a substantial impact throughout the year.

The success of our initial school, which is now at full capacity, highlights the importance of establishing education centers for children in Tonle Sap. This is a crucial step in helping them break free from poverty and fostering their journey towards a more prosperous future.

International Humanitarian Missions (IHM) serves a variety of causes, including poverty alleviation, access to education, healthcare, food and clean water, and environmental conservation. Its primary purpose is to address the needs of the local community, particularly those who are marginalized and economically disadvantaged. By providing essential services and support to those in need, IHM aims to improve the quality of life for individuals and families in Tonle Sap Lake.


International Humanitarian Missions (IHM) has earned top marks from Global Giving, Great NonProfits, and Guidestar.